The solar-powered internet vehicle drone project “Titan” designed by google to bring internet access to the remote and rural areas has been brought down by google three years after the purchase of Titan Aerospace in 2014 and reorganizing it into Google’s parent company Alphabet in 2015.
Bloomberg has also reported there are plans by Alphabet to sell its satellite-imaging service “Terra Bella” prior the shutting down of Titan.
The news was confirmed by a statement from X, a division of Google’s parent company Alphabet.
“Titan was brought into X in late 2015, we ended our exploration of high altitude unmanned aerial vehicles for internet access shortly after,” it said.
X said it was focusing on Project Loon, another project to bring the internet to remote areas using hot air balloons.
At the time Google said it was “early days”, but that “atmospheric satellites could help bring internet access to millions of people, and help solve other problems, including disaster relief and environmental damage like deforestation”.
However, after series of text was carried out in early 2015, it was found out that the project lacked technical perfection and was also running out of finance.