How Happy are Your Employees?

Take a break as Gusto has launched a survey tool which will help companies measure employee happiness.

Gusto has been at the forefront of modernizing HR especially with this bold statement,

“Gusto’s all-in-one HR software streamlines onboarding, consolidates employee records and reduces administrative busy work. We’re getting you out of the maze of spreadsheets and back in front of your team.”

Employee Happiness Survey tool is part of Gusto’s HR offering and sends out monthly questionnaires through emails to team members with just one question – How happy are you feeling?

Employees can take the survey in just two clicks, with anonymous answers includin face responses ranging from “very unhappy” to “very happy.” and If the employee chooses to, they can elaborate on their response to inform companies about the current state of affairs.  

Companies will receive an analysis of results and trends.

This tool was designed with simplicity and small businesses in mind as Gusto believes through their customer feedback that employees are more likely to answer one simple question in an email than complete a 20-question survey with multiple choice answers.”

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